Industrial Asthma Claims Solicitors

Industrial Asthma Claims Solicitors

If you have been diagnosed with occupational asthma, you may be able to claim compensation.  A successful claim requires you to prove your illness was caused by negligent acts or omissions by your employer.  We are experts at collating the necessary evidence to prove employer negligence.  We achieve this by examining medical records, garnering expert opinion, and investigating your employer’s health and safety policies and procedures.

We offer no win, no fee arrangements for our clients.  This means that if you do not receive compensation, you will not have to pay any legal fees.

Call: 01429 225200

What is industrial asthma?

If you have never had asthma before and you suddenly start experiencing symptoms after doing a certain type of work, you could have occupational asthma.

There are two types of industrial asthma:

Allergic occupational asthma – this is the most common type of industrial asthma, it is triggered by allergens such as flour dust (Baker’s Asthma), fumes, and wood dust.  If you suffer from allergic occupational asthma, and the reason you developed an allergy to something at work is because you were exposed to large amounts of the allergen for a long time, which made you become sensitive to it.

Irritant induced occupational asthma – is a non-allergenic form of asthma caused when you breathe in a particular type of fume at work that irritates your airways, causing asthma symptoms.

What is industrial asthma?
Industrial asthma symptoms

Industrial asthma symptoms

Symptoms of industrial asthma include:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Tightening of the chest
  • Difficulty breathing

Eye irritation, nasal congestion, and/or runny nose may also be present.

If you suspect you may have developed occupational asthma, you need to see a doctor immediately.  This is not only for your health, but we will need to see evidence of your medical records to pursue a compensation claim.

If you are diagnosed with industrial asthma, you must avoid the triggers that are present in your workplace.

Who is responsible for my occupational asthma or industrial lung disease?

If your job involves having to work with known irritant chemicals or dust, your employer needs to undertake an adequate risk assessment and minimise the chance of their employees developing industrial asthma.

For example, the second most common cause of occupational asthma according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is flour dust and enzymes containing additives such as amylase.  Flour dust can cause a condition commonly referred to as Baker’s Asthma.

Your employer has a duty to provide full training and protective gear if you work in an environment where industrial asthma may be triggered.

Who is responsible for my occupational asthma or industrial lung disease?
Claiming compensation for industrial asthma

Claiming compensation for industrial asthma

Around 15% of asthma cases in the UK are classed as industrial asthma related.  It’s a condition that can take months or even years to develop and for this reason, if you are making a claim, you need to use a specialist solicitor with experience in pursuing cases against companies that may long since have ceased trading, changed names, been taken over or if you no longer work there.  Whatever the situation, you are assured of the highest level of expert representation when you instruct us.

We know it can be difficult to bring a claim against an employer, especially if it’s a relatively large organisation.  With the backing of our personal injury team, you will feel confident in bringing a claim for compensation to help you fund your rehabilitation and help financially support your family if you have to find a new occupation.

Contact the experts

If you have been diagnosed with occupational asthma, you may be able to claim compensation.  A successful claim requires you to prove your illness was caused by negligent acts or omissions by your employer.  We are experts at collating the necessary evidence to prove employer negligence.  We achieve this by examining medical records, garnering expert opinion, and investigating your employer’s health and safety policies and procedures.

We offer no win, no fee arrangements for our clients.  This means that if you do not receive compensation, you will not have to pay any legal fees.

Call: 01429 225200
Contact the experts